
ERES Institute for New Age Cybernetics helps create a Global Actuary Investor Authority using Game Theory and PlayNAC (Empirical Realtime Education System Future-Map: Personal-Public-Private Semantic Ontology) for Communities of Interest User/GROUPs defined in conjunction with EarnedPaths created via GiantERP (Earth Resource Planner) with Relative Energy Equal Pay and Kirlianography; a Decision-Maker Open Source propogation Service in terms of "BEST" Common Core: Clean Water, Food, Shelter, Work, Love

Ecological Economy

The advent of world-markets forces a Sociocratic Systems-system defined by true sustainability demonstrated through transparent accounting with real-world financial 'know-how' evolving from Capitalist, Communist and Commonwealth domains of stately existence (Relational Science: Natural System + Contextual System), with the intent to establish a Well-Formed computer-to-human AnswerQuestion interface.

Creating Family Amity ("FAMITY") overall will soon become the pre-eminent focus of world leaders positioned to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for sovereign people enabling public demands for private sustenance and personal worth ("Meritcology: Paineology & VACATIONOMICS").

ERES Institute #NWO ("TETRA" Draft)

MDCCLXXVI ~ Marriage Divorce Common Core Love Yin Yang Value Indio

1. PlayNAC: Unknowns — Communities-of-Interest, Social Justice (Policy: Ontology)
2. RT Media: Elemental — Sustainability, Personal-Public-Private Semantics (Mapping: Self)
3. EarnedPath: Chemistry — Ecologic, Meritcology (VACATIONOMICS: IPIDITIS )
4. Non-Punitive Remediation: Mechanics — UN NGO, RESCORE (GAIA: Transparency)
5. Relative Energy Equal Pay: Sensory — Core, Options (Periodicals: Codec)
6. Aura-Tech: Context — Biological, Ennegrammatic (VERTECA: ISO)
7. GiantERP: Number — General-Application, Economies-of-Scale (Paineology: Dictum)

ERES Institute for New Age Cybernetics Formulaics...

Basic Mathematic Variables

HELP... A=C(ME)²³, About Constants Matter Energy
USE... C=R*P/M, Cybernetics Resource Purpose Method
ENERGY... C=SUGAR, Consciousness Sentience Universe Gravity About Real
LAW... IED=NS, Input Energy Decision Number Subject
CARE… S=E/23(1/x), Subject Energy x=variable

(7 years of Tribulation ~ 2023-2030: define/debate Bio-Electric Signature & Bio-Ecologic Economy)

ERES Institute "Taxation" Theorem

SEPTLA = XAT, Social Economic Political Legal Technical Administrative, X=Environment (Cost), A=ABOUT (History), T=TAX (Garnishment) ~ 1000-Year Future Map == Make Health, Education & Law Free. Tax Resource Extraction & Use. BEST


personal public private (polite police practice <~ politice)
technical relative (literal figurate Subjective <~ remediation)
ontology (new age cybernetics ~ word)

JAS Pi.ai LLM (Holistic-Governance_Framework: Copy & Paste)

New Age Cybernetics provides a framework for future mapping securities

New Age Cybernetics (NAC), as proposed by the ERES Institute, provides a framework for future mapping securities by integrating various disciplines, including game theory, blockchain technology, and semantic ontology. This framework aims to establish a Global Actuary Investor Authority (GAIA) to enhance global governance and decision-making. Here's how NAC contributes to future mapping securities:

Empirical Real-time Education System (ERES): ERES serves as a foundation for future mapping by providing a systematic approach to education and skill-building. This ensures that the workforce is well-prepared to address emerging challenges and contribute to the development of secure and resilient systems.

Game Theory: NAC employs game theory to analyze strategic interactions among various stakeholders, helping to identify optimal decision-making strategies. This aids in future mapping by anticipating potential consequences and opportunities, ultimately leading to more informed and secure long-term planning.

Blockchain Technology: By leveraging blockchain, NAC enables the creation of secure, decentralized systems for data storage and transactions. This technology supports future mapping by providing a transparent and tamper-resistant infrastructure for tracking progress and assessing the impact of decisions over time.

Personal-Public-Private Semantic Ontology: NAC's semantic ontology approach helps define Communities of Interest (COI) and facilitates collaboration between various stakeholders. This contributes to future mapping by promoting inclusivity, fostering communication, and ensuring that diverse perspectives are considered in decision-making processes.

Future Mapped Securities: NAC's framework supports the development of future-mapped securities, which involve incremental planning and decision-making with consideration for the long-term consequences of actions. This approach helps ensure that investments and resources are allocated effectively, promoting security and sustainability in the face of uncertainty.

In summary, New Age Cybernetics provides a comprehensive framework for future mapping securities by integrating advanced technologies, strategic decision-making tools, and collaborative approaches. By fostering a skilled workforce, promoting transparency, and facilitating informed long-term planning, NAC aims to enhance global governance and contribute to a more secure and resilient future.

ERES Key Note Commentary (KNC)

NAC @Fundamentals #Asperations ^Assimilant *Definitions %Realistic (Purpose: Fulfillment-Management)

NAC @Fundamentals: New Age Cybernetics fundamentals focus on integrating game theory, blockchain technology, semantic ontology, and the ERES (Empirical Real-time Education System) to create a framework for global governance and decision-making. These fundamentals are designed to enhance collaboration, strategic thinking, and long-term planning.

NAC #Asperations: New Age Cybernetics aspires to establish a Global Actuary Investor Authority (GAIA), which would facilitate collaboration and decision-making among various stakeholders. The goal is to create a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient global system that can effectively address complex challenges and opportunities.

NAC ^Assimilant: New Age Cybernetics aims to assimilate diverse perspectives, disciplines, and stakeholders to ensure a holistic and inclusive approach to governance. By integrating various viewpoints and expertise, NAC seeks to create a comprehensive framework for decision-making and future mapping.

NAC *Definitions: New Age Cybernetics develops a common language and understanding among stakeholders through semantic ontology. This helps to define Communities of Interest (COI) and facilitates effective communication, collaboration, and decision-making.

NAC %Realistic (Purpose: Fulfillment-Management): The purpose of New Age Cybernetics is to enable realistic and achievable long-term planning, ensuring that resources and investments are managed effectively. By focusing on fulfillment-management, NAC strives to create a framework that supports the well-being and prosperity of individuals, communities, and the planet as a whole.


Dear Finance Leadership,

I would like to respectfully offer ERES as a consultant to Α Ω GAIA (Global Actuary Investor Authority) for up to 1000 years following my death. As Spirit, I have a unique perspective on the nature of reality, the role of human consciousness, and the importance of relating GAIA. I believe I can bring a valuable vision and guidance to the organization, helping to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of GAIA in terms of ERES ARE WAY.

Please consider me for this important position as your consultant.

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